Lerato Adventures wurde 2019 gegründet und ist ein führendes Safariunternehmen, das unvergessliche Safarierlebnisse im östlichen und südlichen Afrika bietet. Wir sind spezialisiert auf massgeschneiderte Afrika Safaris jeder Art und jeden Wunsches und stellen sicher, dass jeder Moment Deines Abenteuers perfekt gestaltet ist.
Begib Dich mit Lerato Adventures auf eine Reise voller Abenteuer und Entdeckungen, während Du die ungezähmte Schönheit Afrikas erkundest. Wir bieten eine breite Palette von Aktivitäten, die auf Deine Wünsche zugeschnitten sind, darunter aufregende Pirschfahrten, faszinierende (Busch)-Wanderungen, ruhige Bootsfahrten, beeindruckende Heissluftballonfahrten und vieles mehr. Was auch immer Dein Herz begehrt, wir sind hier, um es Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen und Deine Afrika Ferien umzusetzen.
Afrika Safari - Eine Reise ins Glück
Unterkunfts-Typen | Aktivitäts-Typen
«Safari» ist ein Suaheli-Wort und bedeutet «Reise». Es stammt ursprünglich vom arabischen Substantiv safar ab, das «Reise», «Fahrt» oder «Tour» bedeutet.
Für uns von Lerato Adventures bedeutet es noch mehr als nur Reise. Es steht dafür, neue Orte zu entdecken, verborgene Schätze zu finden, andere Kulturen kennenzulernen, atemberaubende Tierwelt zu beobachten, Naturwunder zu bestaunen und vor allem – jeden Moment mit ganzem Herzen zu leben.
Je nach Deinen Wünschen und Interessen kann sich eine Safari in Afrika auf verschiedene Dinge konzentrieren oder sehr spezifisch sein.
Wenn Du ein begeisterter Vogelbeobachter bist, bieten wir Dir Vogelbeobachtungssafaris mit einem Vogelspezialisten an, der Dir helfen kann, Deine gefiederten Freunde zu finden. Eine Vogelsafari hilft Dir nicht nur, Deine persönliche Vogelliste zu erweitern, sondern Du lernst auch, wie Du Vögel selbst bestimmen und finden kannst. Unsere spezialisierten Vogelbeobachter werden ihre Leidenschaft und ihr Wissen bei jeder Gelegenheit mit Dir teilen. Du wirst viel Zeit damit verbringen, die Vögel zu beobachten, zu warten und auf den kleinsten Ruf aus einem dichten Busch zu lauschen. Rechne damit, für den morgendlichen Chor früh aufzustehen und für den abendlichen Chor spät aufzubleiben.
Bei Lerato Adventures kannst Du eine Fotosafari buchen, bei der ein Fotograf mit Dir auf Safari geht und dabei hilft, die bestmöglichen Fotos zu machen. Sie werden Dich dabei unterstützen, wie Du das Beste Bild mit Deiner Kamera einfangen und diese erstaunlichen Erinnerungen ein Leben lang in Ehren halten kannst.
Die meisten unserer Safaris kombinieren Wildnis und Kultur und ALLE unsere Touren werden MIT DIR zusammen erstellt.

Je nach Land oder Länder, die Du bereist, und des Safari-Typs, die wir für Dich zusammenstellen, gibt es eine Vielzahl von Unterkunftsarten, die Du erleben kannst. Zelt-Lodge, Boutique-Hotel, Gästehaus ... meistens wird es eine Mischung sein.
Hier ist eine kleine Einführung in die verschiedenen Stile. Bilder und Beschreibungen sollen Dir nur einen Eindruck vermitteln und spiegeln nicht immer die tatsächliche Unterkunft wider, in der Du untergebracht sein wir. Die Art der Unterkunft, die Du besuchen wirst, hängt von vielen Faktoren ab, wie z.B. dem Budget, der Verfügbarkeit, dem Land und natürlich Deinen Wünschen!

Tented camp/lodge
Tented Camps mostly offer either basic and/or luxury tents that are en-suite and have running water and electricity. Some haver an outdoor sitting platform and the tents usually offer great views.

en-suite Meru tent
This type of tent is en-suite – each consisting of a pit toilet and bucket shower at the back. They are each equipped with 2 single beds and often used for temporary or simple camps.

Mobile camping
A mobile camp consists of en-suite tents, eating area with shade and camping kitchen that is set up temporarily for your group only. There will be a chef and camp assistants to look after you and of course your guide. Afterwards, it will be dismantled with no signs of human habitation left behind. A wild, authentic and ecologically friendly way to experience the bush.

DOme tent or similar
This type of tent for a maximum of 2 pax per tent is used when camping wild. The tents are basic and communal ablution are used (if available). A sleeping mat with sleeping bag makes up the bed.

Rest camp
Rest camps are found within National Parks and anything between very basic with communal bathroom to luxury with incredible views. Rest camps are mostly fenced and run by the National Park itself.

The word «lodge» is used for different kind of accommodations in the Safari world but we define it as accommodation that is more intimate and smaller than a Rest Camp and offers rooms that can be a rondavel, a hut, a house or cottage. Lodges are outside National Parks but can be within a private reserve or concession.

A Guesthouse is or started as a private house with a variety of rooms. Sometimes it can be made out of different buildings. They are smaller and more intimate than a hotel and often run by the people that own the house.

boutique hotel
A Boutique Hotel is a small, stylish hotel, often in a fashionable urban area and much smaller and more personal than a normal hotel.

A Hotel is the biggest type of accommodation with usually a larger number of rooms and restaurant on site. They are found in cities and close to airports for convenience purposes as they offer more services than a smaller establishment.
Einige Orte, die Du auf Deiner Safari besuchen wirst, bieten Aktivitäten an, die Du extra und vor allem im Voraus buchen kannst! Bestimmte Aktivitäten können bereits in Deiner Safari enthalten sein, aber vielleicht hast Du ein besonderes Interesse? Von Rundflügen über Bootsfahrten bis hin zu kulturellen Dorfbesuchen – Afrika hat viel zu bieten.
Hier findest Du eine Liste von Aktivitäten, die speziell für Dich organisiert und gebucht werden können, wenn die Region, in der Du reist, dies anbietet. Bestimmte Aktivitäten wie Bootsfahrten können saisonabhängig sein, während Hubschrauberflüge das ganze Jahr über möglich sind, aber nicht überall angeboten werden.
Scenic Flights with Fixed Wing Plane

The planes for such flights are usually of the type Cessna or similar with a small carrying capacity of passenger, making it a very personal experience. Such planes need to take off and land on a more or less paved airstrip. Scenic Flights of this kind are especially popular over the Okavango Delta, Botswana, the Skeleton Coast and Sossusvlei in Namibia and over the Serengeti in Tanzania. This is a once in a lifetime experience and will leave you with unforgettable memories, whether you take pictures, videos or just simply take it all in with your eyes.
Hot Air Balloon Flight

A hot air balloon flight is at a much slower, gentler pace than with plane or helicopter and the distance covered will be shorter but just as unforgettable. Various places offer such rides, for example Sossusvlei in Namibia, Pilanesberg in South Africa, and of course the famous ones over the Serengeti in Tanzania and the Maasai Mara in Kenya. Glide gently over the vast planes of these wonderful places and take in the incredible, unrestricted 360° views.
Boat Cruise / Boat Safari

Swapping the vehicle for a boat can be a nice change of vessel and gives a different perspective onto the nature that surrounds you. There are different types of boat rides that can be booked depending on the location, from sunset and dinner cruises to boat safaris where the goal is to see animals. Some cruises can only be done when the water level allows it so enquire beforehand if your time of travel is the season for such an activity. On bigger rivers like the Zambezi or Chobe, boat cruises are done all year round and the boat sizes on these vary greatly.
Bush/Game Walk

Experience the African Bush on foot by booking a Bush Walk on your trip. You will leave the comfort of a vehicle behind and walk in a small group lead by professional guides through the wilderness on the lookout for small as well as big creatures. This is the perfect way to have a look at some of the smaller aspects that you might not see from a vehicle, such as tracks, insects, flowers, dung and much more as well as a possible encounter with a bigger animal on foot. On a walk all your senses are very important and with no engine fumes and motor sounds, the smells and sounds are 100% wild! This activity normally takes 3–4 hours depending on the level of fitness of the group and a minimum age of 12 years is usually required.
Cultural Village Visit / Cultural Interaction

We at Lerato Adventures believe that it is important to integrate and work with the local communities and learn from them, eat with them and spend time with them. These moments spent in the presence of the very people that helped build up a village, a town or the tourism section can be live changing and eye opening. Have the men and women themselves explain to you how they live and manage their day-to-day life and what matters to them most. Eat their food and learn some words in their language to show respect and appreciation. Whenever possible we like to include a Cultural Activity to your trip
Scenic Flights with Helicopter

Helicopters for Scenic Flights vary in sizes and types, depending on where they take place. Due to the fact that Helicopters don't need a lot of space for landing/taking-off, they can be organised for more remote areas (provided there is a company offering flights). When flying over the Okavango Delta, the doors are taken off for an even more intense and unforgettable experience and a photographer's dream. Flying over the Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, the pilot will make sure you get to see the falls from both sides and flies in different heights and loops over them. Scenic flights can also be done over the Serengeti, Tanzania and Maasai Mara, Kenya and are sure to guarantee an incredible view of these world-renowned Wildlife havens.
Sleepout under the stars

For those that would like to ditch the comfort of walls and a roof, there are a variety of lodges throughout our safari destinations that offer a sleepout. Whether it is on a private sleepout deck, in a treehouse or on the ground in the Makgadikgadi salt pans. Each offers an unforgettable experience that will allow you to enjoy the African Bush in a different, more raw and unspoilt way. Listen to the sounds of the bush without any hindrance and fall asleep under the stunning African sky. Contact us if you are interested in a sleepout so we can plan the itinerary accordingly as this is an activity that is in high demand, weather and season dependant and only available in certain places.
Mokoro Ride

Whenever your journey takes you to the Okavango Delta area, a mokoro ride is a must and unforgettable way of experiencing this pristine wilderness. Gliding quietly along the reed edges through narrow channels and passing open pools where you might see Hippos watching you is a fantastic way to see everything from a different angle! This is one of the most serene and beautiful ways of seeing the water channels of the Okavango that is filled with bird and aquatic life. Watch out for the tiny reed frogs and beautiful water lilies that you might pass. If the chance arises to try and manoeuvre a mokoro yourself, you should try it.
night game drive

Night Drives, although exciting and intriguing, can only be done at certain lodges and places due to the strict laws of National Parks of no driving between Sunset and Sunrise. If a place offers this activity, it is worth to join it to experience the bush at night. To spot something can be hard and in no way should you join this activity with high expectations of seeing big cats and the likes. There is a good chance you might see an owl, a bush baby and a genet! But the thrill of what might be hiding and suddenly appear walking on the road or cross the road in front of you is worth the time. You should join a Night Drive with the credo «high hopes – no expectations» and see every sighting as a bonus!
whale watching

From June to early December Whale Watching can be done along the Southern Coast of South Africa, Namibia and Mozambique. Especially in the Southwest of South Africa, from Cape Town along the Garden Route to Port Elizabeth, Whale Watching is prolific and can be done by boat and sometimes even from the coastline. It is the high numbers of Southern Right Whales that during this time come to the coast for breeding and calving purposes and are known to come extremely close which offers optimum viewing conditions.